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It’s A Nice Day, For A…10k!!

August 24, 2009

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Readyyyy…..Settttt…..GO….. I was up at 7, I showered, I dressed and devoured an oh so beautiful bowl of protein, cinnamon and banana oats….yummay. /8:41am we hopped onto train numero one…thats my dad strikin a pose there. /9:10am, we arrive in the delightful deserted Warrington, and march accross town map in hand to catch train numero deux…4 minutes, and….”helloooo Birchwood, I am ready to run”

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Or am I?? My hamstrings are still feeling ‘tres tight’ not cool, not cool at all?? Anyways /10am, I drop into Race HQ to drop off Daz’s number and race chip, the woman growls and snatches them outa my hands!?? /10:10am, time for some presto chango action….lucky I came semi-prepared and went for layers, as it’s a mid car park job [I didn’t fancy the portaloo for gettin naked??] /10.20am, I strike a few poses, and head off to find the start line…hmmmm interesting use of a shopping trolley?? Not entirely sure what that was all about?? And lucky I didn’t opt for a portaloo change…check out that queue. Just enough time for a much needed stretch…..and……

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Oh hello? /10:31am, and we’re off…….

Phew it’s hot….maybe I should slow down a little? Don’t want to burn out too soon…hey 1km, where did you come from?? 2km….3km….oh yeah, I forgot, hamstrings…tight you say? Nah, these leg’s are on fire baby!!! Hey, Mister….your drivin on the wrong side of the road?? Now now…chill ya beans, get back in ya car love…it’s only one day a year…it’s not the marshall’s fault the road’s closed!!! 4km…5km….aaaaaah, water never tasted so sweet….6km, phew….that’s a fair few dudes I’ve over taken there??? Oh wait, noooooo….not the dreaded shoulder ache?? Nope, we’re good…it’s gone!!! Right…keep pushing, 7km….ohhhh my shit!!! That is one big beast of a hill….I’ll never make it??? Oh yee of little faith…hills are my thang….let’s get that sprint on….ohhhh yeah!!! Lookin good!!! Hey, hey, 8km…and another hill??? Yeah baby…another hill!!! La, la, la , la…”brand new Nike back for good, lose your Rolex, rip your t-shirt, bounce up till both your knees hurt…..” Pheweeeee….9km…..I love you….last hill…come on, let’s rock this thang!!! There it is…the big finish….let’s go, let’s go…faster….faster….hey, weren’t you ahead of me like 2 miles ago?? Run…run…run…….

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00:53:35/6.6 miles JOB DONE!!!

Never have I beamed so much!!! Flowers…for me? Thank you x. Photo op…strike a pose, and another, and another!! Right, stop…I neeed sustinance….Slim Fast…you’ll do! Annnddd…..breathe….

How happy am I right now….53 minutes, 35seconds??? That’s like….a whole 10 minutes faster than my last 10k…less than 2 months ago!! Chuffed?? You betcha!!!

8:07 per mile….that’s an equal PB, previously set over 5km!!? I am sooooo happy right now!!

/11:45am…let’s get this sweaty, tired ass back home!!

A hop, skip, 2 trains and a mini trek later….I was home, it was all over [sad face]!! What a day!!?

What to do now??? After all that excitement, I am pooped….it’s tv on, laptop at the ready…and chill!!

Maybe just enough energy to whip up a quick lunch….mmmmm egg mayo wrap?? No…wait….is that an avocado I spy….guacamole wrap… that is a plan!!



Maaaaan, that was soooo goooood!! I had promised myself a bread free day after yesterdays bread-fest, but hey….it’s only semi-bready, and it was worth it!!

As I munched and chilled, I had a flick through the freebie running mag from the race….and when I say flick….I mean, read from cover to cover….and I never do that with magazines???

Some of the words really rang true with me…

“If someone says, ‘Hey, I ran 100 miles this week. How far did you run?’ Ignore him! What the hell difference does it make?…The magic is in the man, not the 100 miles.”

Sam Dee, Olympics athletics coach

So many of the guys in my running club are so overly concerned with how far…and how fast everyone else can run?? Who cares….concentrate on your own run people!! In future…they can mind their own business…I run for me, for my fitness, my health, the only person I am competting against…is me!!

hmmmph….so there!!

Another little tit bit had me chuckling….tips on motivation…number 25:

“Get naked and jump up and down in front of the mirror. Still not sure if you need run…?”

Julia Buckley for Running Free, August 2009

Quite possibly the best motivational tip…EVER???

As I read….I snacked….those delish l’il plums again…


Dinner time soon crept up….I had been looking forward to pasta bake all week; red pepper and tomato with herby breadcrumbs…mmmmm, I added some Quorn chicken for protein and peas for a bit of greenery….


Oh noooo….I just realised….breadcrumbs….bread!!??? Darn it!! And I was doing so well too???

I did have a naughty-ish li’l treat for pud…some sugar free strawberry Angel Delight….a perfect end…to a perfect day I feel…..

A long day….and an even loonnnnger post [whoopsie…I got a bit carried away ay??]

Could there possibly be anything left to say??

Just that….

I will sleep very, very happy tonight xxx.

Sunny Side UP!

August 23, 2009
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I’mmmmmm back!!?? Kinda…..

I think yesterday’s moanfest actually did me the world of good….venting is by far the best therapy!!

Today…the sun is shining, sort of….and I’m feeling goooood, if not a little sleepy, but hey…what’s new there??

So let’s get this blog a-rockin….

A bit of a random breakfast photie today….I thought I would share some of our fresh beautiful ugly plastic ikea table-ware??? Oh the joys of working for a big corporate company….NO TASTE!! At least my breakfast was tasty….protein museli never fails to hit the spot 🙂

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It was a bit of a plod along morning…not alot goin down to be honest, just a greasy ass sunny side up fried egg with a toasted muffin….I was craving the gooey yolkiness and needed something quick…

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Heavy on the grease….heavy on the refined carbs…heavy on the sugar!!?? Why oh why did I inflict this on my body… tasted good at the time….but I felt really yukky afterwards!!?? That’ll teach me to head into lunch so unprepared….and I was a Girl Guide too, I should know better, quite clearly not a very good one ay???

After work….I needed to ‘pop’ into town….2 mile walk there, and 2 mile walk home….not quite my idea of ‘popping’, but after my lunch time grease fest….I feel the extra walk was necessary?? My hammies were happy of the stretch too….my legs are still sooo sore from my lower body workout 2 DAYS ago!!?? A tad worrying to say the least…when I have a 6 mile race tomorrow!!??

I must now make a shocking confession….I hang my head in telling you….

“today….for the first time in 6 months….I HAD to go into MacDonalds!!”

Yep, you heard me right…I HAD to!!??

That greasy, tasteless, sweaty food makes me feel SICK…but I was sooooo desperate for the loo….it really was my only option, what can I say!! 🙂 Saying that though…to be fair my grease-infested lunch was basically just an egg muffin…minus the manky plastic wrapper!!?? Now I feel extra gross, I can taste the grease…yuk, and that was like, over 9 hours ago!!??

After my delightful walkathon in my pinchy work shoes….just for a singular item of makeup?? I finally made it home around 6ish….I was peckish so I gave into the pb urge with 2 slices of pb+jam on toast….I woulda snapped a shot, but hey….where’d it go??? mmmm….happy tum :

I was set for an upper bod workout today…but I was concerned by my current muscle aches, and thought maybe I should take today off in respect of  race day tomorrow and all!!?? In all honesty, I haven’t changed my training pattern for it at all…no rest days or anything, I figure I run in excess of 6 miles several times a week anyway…so I shall just treat it as a regular run…just with a little extra competition thrown in!!??

By 7….I had crashed!!?? I have a vague recollection of my dad taking my laptop off me before it landed face first on the floor….other than that….a lovely little sofa snooze, a bit of a waste of one of my very few proper nights off…but hey, if ya body needin it…just go with it!!??

I was feeling very grogy and verrrry hungry when I finally rose my slumber 3 hours later, I had earlier planned on some yummy pasta for dinner, but considering the time, I followed my craving and caved to yet more comfort food….and even more carbs!!?? Cheesey beans on toast…

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Technically, the beans do count as a portion of veg…but hmmmm….green stuff anyone, bit of leaf wouldn’t go amiss ay??? Todays stodgey foder proberly had about as much nutritional value as that nasty plastic plant effort from earlier????? Tsk tsk!!

Right….it’s late, and I have some serious running action on the go tomorrow….my dad is gonna come with as some extra moral support, seeing as the lamo bf has bottled it on me???? Bring on the race, running shoes….at the ready, 60 minutes…easy!!??

Insert Smiley Face….Here?

August 22, 2009

It’s another sleepy one from me….

And some sketchy photo skills to say the least!!??

I must firstly apologise…I am painfully aware of just what a negative nancy I am being of late….I have made an executive decision…paint it on, and suck it up woman…geeeeez!!??

Well…..maybe just a mini rant??? With a positive spin??? Could work…..

  1. I am majorly exhausted and need some proper time off [6 day weeks are so not cool?]….but, the hard work is worth it, I am progressing well at work and making a good name for myself in the company.
  2. I have no ‘me’ time…unless of course you count like, 10 hours a week at the gym [is that a positive]
  3. I am lonely, and find it very difficult to factor my friendships into my lifestyle…but, I am no longer a Facebook addict!!??
  4. I never see my boyfriend anymore, he works while I sleep, he sleeps while I work/chill/gym it. He prioritises work over me, even though his work makes him [and me] miserable…but, in the long run he is working hard to help build for a stable future
  5. We had planned to run a 10k together at the weekend, but now he has decided he is too busy with work, he is unsupportive of my athletic endeavors, and I sometimes feel that he is unapproving and resentful? of my recent weight loss, even though he can see that it is a positive step for me and is making me happier….and breathe! But….I am happier, and my main priority in my diet, is me, we are all allowed to be a little selfish from time to time!!??
  6. I booked…and worked hard for a nice holiday as a birthday treat for him [well us], which he however has no interest in, despite the fact we have not taken any real time off in at least 2 years, and acts as though taking 2 weeks of work is nothing more than a hinderance and inconvenience to his business….but it shows that he has passion and commitment for his work…big efffing woop!!!?? For this one…I think the miser in me wins!!??

Hmmmm….I think that helped….I don’t like to set such a negative tone for the post…right time to paint on that Bank Holiday Monday smile, big and cheesy, and get on with it…..chin up….

After all….

It’s time for a Taste-tastic Thursday breakfast….banana and honey protein oats….yum yum yum, get in my tum….

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So good!!

After breakfast…realising I really must get a cardio sesh on the go…so I forced my lazy duper of the sofa, and headed out for a mini run…

  • 3.16 miles
  • 25 mins, 38 seconds
  • 8.07 mins/mile
  • 300 calories

Phew…it was crazy hot, I was not expecting that!!?? I was a little disapointed with my time, my second mile I got a right sprint on, and then I just lost it??? But….I’m getting there, slowly and steadily 🙂

After my run…as it was technically a lower body workout day, I got out the dumbbells and got to grips with some squatting and lunging efforts with the comapny of some proper athletes courtesy of the World Athletic Championships….NB I hate lunges, crazy stupid exercisen and reverse crunches…HOW painful???? Pheweeeeeee!!

Post run [and cripling midrift activity] I had THE most amazing protein yoghurt EVER…

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So…I am aware that they do not appear to be all that amazing, the amazingness was the yoghurt itself!! Normally I just buy the supermarket’s own brand yoghurt, which is cheap enough, and tastes nice, but….this week I treated myself a bit, and got some fancy yoghurt as it was on offer. So so so so so good, creamy and light, and ohhhhh just heaven…once I added the vanilla protein it was more like a deliscious creamy dessert!!?? I just cannot express my joy at this little meal enough!!

I must also mention….as per my mini challenge set earlier in the week, I had already consumed my targeted 2 glasses of water by this point….pat on the back me, yay [insert smiley face here]

Lunch was some lazy work foder…

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Did exactly what it said on the tin!!

Kept me fullup till dinner….

Hmmmm dinner?? Hellooooo, dinner, you gonna make an appearance at some point today??

Apparently not!!?? I was naughty….and gave in to the temptation of sharing a cheesey garlic pizza bread that was going begging!!?? Slap my hand…and call me fatty!! tsk tsk??

It was a late night…early rise again??? I left work at 12:45 in the am….

Only to return,



I had protein museli for breakfast with a nana, yummy, but no time for pictures, it was to be a most busy, stressful day….

My sore little legs got alot of stomping action on the go [sheesh, home workouts are the bomb], until they stomped right into the stafroom at…

4:30pm!!?? For lunch….and nope, I had not forgotten Fish Friday and gave last weeks debut a second run….

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Cajun spiced salmon fillet, with cottage cheese and pineapple. Hmmmm, it was tasty, but didn’t quite invoke the same level of love as last tine?? Annnnd, I realised, with that quantity of cottage cheese….not a healthy choice!!??

I had the pleasure of a six o’clock escape from work…and I had prepared for the event, after a little light sportswear shopping [so I look all shiny for my forthcoming 10k Sunday], I headed off to the pool….my muscles couldn’t cope with anything more!!?? I have reached the stage that I grown every time I stand up???? Or move…..ouch…..

I was happy to see that the pool was quiet…I get pure swimming rage….so all good….I splashed off….

But….it was not a fun affair…my poor eyes….ahhhh the chlorine!!??

My goggles appeared to have lost all ability to prevent the water flow into my eye area, and my nose peg kept falling off….not the funnest 1250 metres I have ever swam [I did have fun racing the slow coaches, who didn’t know I was racing them though? Is that a bit of a weird thing to do?? Amuses me anyway??] I managed the whole 50 lengths as intended, and I had a reasonable pant on when I finished, so not all bad I guess!!

I wasn’t really that hungry when I finished…AND Daz gad just given me the fab news about his decision not to run with me Sunday, so I was a pretty bummed…so I went for a watery tea…very in keeping with the feel of the post I feel?? Minestrone soup….

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On my officailly favourite new plate…61p, BARGAIN!! It was most sufficient.

And I must share with you before parting….the amazing yoghurt adventure, part deux….

…as per previous recipe, with the ultimate addition…hot chocolate powder!! Tastebud heaven of the most amazing kind!!

Oh see….I have perked up a little now, although the threat of only 5 hours till my morning alarm sounds is giving me the sense that I should really start to wrap this bloggerino up for the day….

A few words of positivity in parting….well, just some cool stuff I got goin down at the mo to make me happy….

  • Sunday is my big 10k round 2!! I’m aiming to beat the big 6-0 on the old clockerino!!
  • We have a fun work day out to a theme park next week….yay, I lurve roller coasters, and it means an extra day off  [insert super big smiley face, here]
  • 1 week today, I am officially on holiday for 2 whole glorious weeks
  • 9 days today…I will be jetting off for 10 days of sun, sea and partying [insert THE happiest face EVER, here]
